
How Do Apprenticeships Work?

How Do Apprenticeships Work?

In Wales, Apprentices need to be 16+ and work a minimum of 16 hours per week to complete an Apprenticeship. The employer must be willing to support you in the Apprenticeship as you will be assessed in the workplace and may need to regularly attend college (this depends on the qualification) to learn new skills and complete any exams.

You will be assigned an industry experienced practitioner who will come into your workplace and set tasks for you to collect evidence which goes towards your qualification. They will also check on your wellbeing and ensure there are no issues or sign post you to additional support at Cambria if needed.

Apprenticeships Can Be Delivered At Level 2 – Level 6

This is the starting block for apprenticeships, it gives you the foundations and understanding of the job.

A Level 3 is a progression from the Level 2 and gives you more of an in depth knowledge of the subject and is equivalent to 2 A Level passes. You may need to be in a certain job role to be eligible.

Level 4/5 NVQs or HNC qualifications are usually equivalent to the first year of university. A high level of knowledge and understanding is needed to study at this level.

The Level 6 qualifications are degrees delivered in partnership with our university partners.

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